Home Hair Care Techniques Your Clients Need to Know from Hairlocs


Hair extensions can provide your clients with a newfound sense of style and confidence. To help clients feel their best long after leaving your chair, it’s essential to fill them in on home care techniques. These techniques will help their extensions last longer and add even more confidence in you as their stylist. Build trust and keep clients happy with your work by letting them in on these home hair care techniques.


 1. Brush your hair before getting in the shower 

Caring for extensions is different from natural hair, and customers must know the difference. Minimizing the strain on your extensions is a great way to achieve longevity. Simply being aware of small changes, such as brushing before showering, is an easy adjustment clients can make that have their extensions last longer.

 2. Prepare your hair according to your activity

There are many ways to protect your Hairlocs extensions. Based on your activity level, there can be different approaches. For example, for a more strenuous activity, such as exercising, it’s a good idea to braid or put your hair into a ponytail. For bedtime, avoid going to bed with wet hair and braid for extensions peace of mind.

 3. Take care of your extensions

When possible, invest in your hair. Sometimes it’s worth it to use a pricier, professional product if it means saving on other investments, such as extensions. Additionally, we recommend purchasing a satin pillowcase. The pillowcase’s gentleness does wonders for extensions, helps prevent matting and static and keeps you looking fresh–even with bed head! But investing in your hair doesn’t just mean buying quality products. Setting simple rules of thumb, like not going to bed with wet hair, can significantly impact the extension’s overall health. When drying your hair it is advised to not tip your head upside down with extensions in as this can create unnecessary tangling. If you are one that is out in the sun continuously it is worth considering using a UV protector on the extensions as this will assist in preventing excessive fading.


While it is advised to be gentle with your extensions, don’t feel that you are prohibited from using heat tools because Hairlocs uses such high-grade quality these tools will not cause any damage if used properly.


Caring for your extensions at home might seem daunting, but by making a few adjustments, you’re able to see huge benefits. Empower your customers by sharing these tips by going over them toward the end of your appointments. This shows you care about their investment lasting and can create a sense of loyalty.


Be sure to check out our blog for useful and educational content such as extension maintenance and more, for free!